The school of "Direct Knowledge". Beginning. The method of the pendulum.

Human consciousness is capable of receiving complete volumetric information about any object of the environment INDEPENDENTLY, bypassing all kinds of measuring instruments available in the modern world (besides, they are not very accurate and limited in their capabilities). For this purpose, one should be able to consciously enter into resonance (such an engagement) with the whole volume of properties of the object under study. This is possible, but requires certain abilities and training. A simpler (relatively) way of obtaining information about the surrounding reality is the way of involving some properties of subconsciousness manifested through the body micromotorics at the reflex level. This method is available to the overwhelming number of people (more than 70% of the population) with some development of attention and training of these processes. A frame, a pendulum or even just one’s own hand can serve as an instrument or a “sensor” of information.

We consider the pendulum as the most universal instrument with wide measuring capabilities. But, it is necessary to remember that THIS is only an INSTRUMENT for displaying the information for visual reading.

In principle, it is possible to do without material tools, displaying the desired information on the “inner screen” – but this requires the presence of abilities and their development to a high level of “seeing things”.

Pendulum – as the most simple and accessible to many people measuring instrument allows many of us to get the necessary information about things and events around us directly by focusing on the object of research.

It is implied that it is necessary to create consciousness ATTENTION transferring the requested information with the help of a pendulum in the hand through prepared in advance digital or informational diagrams.

In principle, the information is received by us in the same way as through the scales of measuring instruments.

The application of the above-mentioned methods of reading information directly through the fields of interaction between the researcher’s consciousness and the object under study opens up new possibilities for both the development of human abilities and obtaining objective information about the surrounding reality.
For example, in L. Puchko’s “Multidimensional Medicine” the pendulum method is used both for reading information about the state of the organism and for the following correction of this state.

The use of the pendulum method allows you to clearly control the state of the human energy-information sphere and, if necessary, remove foreign inclusions and influences from it. It allows to control and influence the subtle-material environment around a person.
Well, and not insignificant are the applications of this method such as: – searching for missing things and living objects;
– making an optimal decision when choosing variants of events.

And so – the method of DIRECT KNOWLEDGE in practice turns out to be quite accessible and teachable. And considerably expands human possibilities of interaction with such inaccessible by other means areas as Astral-Mental plans of being. The pendulum reveals such abilities of a human being that allow him to directly control and interact with subtle material spheres of being both on energetic and informational planes. And all this becomes possible because the very principle of interaction with the pendulum is based on the astral and mental fields of interaction.

Our “school of Direct Knowlege” allows to develop new qualities and abilities of a person and to give him advantages on his life path through a more complete knowledge of the surrounding world and through the choice of more effective options for the development of events. In this case a person becomes to a greater extent a source of knowledge for himself – exactly the knowledge that he needs in each specific period of his life.

The way of DIRECT KNOWLEDGE does not end with the application of the pendulum, but only begins with it. And then much more interesting perspectives open, partially noted in this text above.

To learn the PENDULUM COURSE is useful for absolutely all researchers of life – it will considerably strengthen you in those methods of knowledge which you have already learned. Because it activates some basic functions of subtle field interaction of human consciousness with energy-information fields of investigated objects.

Training course “School of Direct Knowledge. Beginning.

The method of the pendulum” is designed for eight sessions, two sessions per week for two academic hours – 2×45 min. The cost of training is $500 for training in a group. Training is conducted online via one of the social messengers as the group is formed. It is important to be personally present at the class – in this case there is a non-verbal interaction of energy-information fields and knowledge, and skills are transferred directly into the subconscious mind, which increases the quality and effectiveness of training. To work in information fields, it is important to have a high energy level of operators (those who work with the pendulum) and the absence of foreign influence from outside. Therefore, during the whole course, consistently and gradually will be given special trainings that increase the energy of students and practices of freeing their personal space. By the end of the training, it will significantly improve the health of students. The practical part of the course aimed at freeing one’s energy-information field from various foreign inclusions and influences will also contribute to this.

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